The Neurozone® Heatmap

Valid and reliable data to provide you with insights that inform your strategic decision-making process.

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How does it work?

The Heatmap is specifically used to measure and report on employee resilience by group (e.g. divisions, departments, teams) for organizational stakeholders to understand the state of resilience and plan wellbeing interventions, based on data-driven insights.

This report includes the organization's and relevant subgroups':

  • aggregated individual resilience levels
  • mental wellbeing risk profile

The report also provides actionable recommendations that can be used to inform targeted interventions at the different organizational levels reported on.

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Results are derived from individual responses to the Neurozone® Resilience Pulse Assessment. This assessment takes roughly 3 minutes to complete. Upon completion of the assessment, individuals also have access to their own online dashboard to view their score and some actionable recommendations to improve resilience. Additionally, individuals can complete their assessment monthly to track their resilience score over time. 

Product benefits:

  • Data-driven: Valid and reliable measure of resilience
  • Proactive: Predicts a group's risk for certain mental health disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, insomnia, burnout)
  • Targeted: Simple and easy way to identify areas of greater need for targeted resilience (and wellbeing) interventions
  • Actionable: Provides actionable recommendations (specific resilience solutions)


Prevent burnout

Build resilience

Unlock high performance
